Monday, April 9, 2012

Pure Heart

A good freind of mine created this video of our "Living Walls Party." Thanks Nelson, and enjoy the video everyone.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This was not the piece I had originally intended on creating, however, inspiration intervened, and this project began. While listening to "Changes" I found myself inspired to create portrait of Tupac that would in some way reflect just that; Change. The Changes" he endured over time are clear when you look into his eyes; rebellion, passion, anger, and despair are all evident, and ever-present in his face. There is so much beauty in struggle, and that is what I aimed to capture in creating this piece. Enjoy, and thanks for the continual support.

Here it is halfway through.  The underdrawing was completed earlier.

Here is the final version of the Drawing. As I was finishing up, I found that the richness of the Molotow 227 made for some awesome dimension in the blacks/shadows. It might be hard to see via the computer, but there is some beautiful gradation happening in the black shadows with the two different markers. I love this piece; it's a real contender for my favorite thus far this year.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chillin' at "The Fridge"

Are looking for a great place to see emerging artists, meet creative people, and test the limits of your own creativity? If So head over to The Fridge, located on Capital Hill at 516 1/2 8th St., SE DC (Across from Matchbox) Yes... it is in the alley :)

The Fridge is a family, and neighborhood freindly creative space for all. It's a breath of fresh air for creative minded people, where the arts are embraced, and encouraged to continue to live and breathe. 

Today I had a chance to go and visit The Fridge, and to be a part of the stencil making class, taught by SCOTCH, who just happened to the the artist exhibiting/opening for their current show.  Scotch taught, shared, and welcomed all questions and compliments alike.  This experience at The Fridge is commonplace as evidenced by the many regulars that attended and supported this event.  I hope to become a regular at "The Fridge," and I look forward to seeing you there as well.  Check out the link for a Prezi of this awesome event.

Living Walls Party

On March 31st, I had my very 1st Living Walls event; it was a huge success, and a lot of fun.  The walls in our garage have been transformed by our admittedly amateur graffiti, but man was it a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures from the event, and a link to the video shot by Mr. Dennis Mangual.  thanks Everybody!

"E" Rocked the wall wit this peace... "Love"
Peace Out People & enjoy The Video!!!/photo.php?v=10151493390415287

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Best Space on Earth

I am constantly inspired by raw creativity.  I want to create ina space where thought is not inhibited,
where walls come alive and ideas flow freely.  I think I have found the spave for me in today's "Panic Room" by Tilt.  Now I just need my wifes Permission :) Enjoy the video.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Art In Its Many Phases

Like many artists, there are times when I am extremely overjoyed with my work, and other times when I know in my heart that something simply did not work.  Such was the case with this painting. 

Originally I wanted to create a clean graphic (silhouette) image of a pair of headphones.  I thought a painting would produce the results I was looking for; however, me being quite rusty at painting, produced this less than desirable result.  While this attempt came out okay, it wasn’t quite what I was looking for. 

What is a man to do?


Well, I repainted the canvas several times, ending up with this image.  This is much closer to the original idea, and has a lot of the elements that inspired me during my recent trip to San Francisco. 

It’s great to now have something I truly enjoy. I learned that ideas take many forms, and that they take time to correctly communicate.  Here’s to more great art work, and many more mistakes. J

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Flying Rabbi's

Jonathan BlumThis past weekend, I met a really cool artist by the name of Jonathan Blum.  He is a native of the District, with a quirky sense of humor.  His art is a mix of humor and texture, complimented by the rich history of the Jewish religion.  I look forward to owning a piece by him one day soon. Thanks for the inspiration Jonathan! If you would like to know more about Jonathan and his work, check him out at the link below.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Left My Heart in....

San Francisco…. What a city?  My recent visit to San Francisco left me completely inspired. In a city where creativity is not only embraced, but practically oozing from every surface, Art is “Alive” and constantly evolving in the world; it was great to see this in action. I return home saddened by knowing I have to leave, but inspired by knowing just how alive and breathing a city can be.

I return home with a stronger connection to my roots as a street artist, a few pieces of work, and a strong desire to recreate the “living walls” of San Francisco in my home. So what am I going to do? 1st and foremost I am going to hang art.  Whether you live in an apartment, house, or room, decorate your walls.  Walls should tell a story… your story, and since you’re alive and ever-changing so too should walls.  It’s not necessary to find the perfect piece for a spot before decorating, so if you’re paralyzed (like me) by choices, your 1st assignment is to hang something.

Here are a few tips:

Hang something that means a lot to you in a place that is prominent for you and/or any guests.
-This is a print my wife and I fell in love with; it means a lot to us so we hung it in our living room where we will likely see it every day, and will have the opportunity to share it with our guests.

Hang something interesting in an interesting spot.
-Here is a 3-D print I bought from a Gallery in San Francisco by Adreina Davila.  It proudly hangs in our bathroom where it will no doubt catch the eyes of our visitors. 

Feel free to share your inspiring pictures with me as well.

New Art Work

My recent trip to San Francisco has solidified my perspective in regards to my own work. There was so much graffiti, pop, and graphic art, I felt at home just walking through the streets seeing Art ooze from every pore. Upon my return, I headed over to my local store to purchase some supplies to begin creating. And this is what I came up with.

Self Portrait completed in Watercolor & Krink Marker

Graffiti Landscape completed in Krink marker

Lastly I have started a “Sticker a Day” campaign to encourage creativity and combat the complacency… If you want to follow my sticker a Day campaign, follow me on Twitter at ThetalentedMrD

Artist of the Week

This piece is brought to you by a scholar/student I work with; she is an amazing 5th grade artist, and I am so inspired by her work I wanted to share it with you. Talent truly is everywhere.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Inspiration

In an effort to do someting more meaningful, my wife and I are exchanging home made gifts this year. Today is the unveiling of my blog, and my gift to my wife, "Cute Woman." Thanks Cute Woman for all of the support, I hope you enjoy; and thanks to everyone else as well.
This is the humble beginnings of My Valentines Day gift, which is an abstract portrait of my wife. Here, I have started with the basic outline.

I have painted in the body and begun designing the surrounding elements. This piece, while inspired by an earlier one, will be slightly adjusted when it's done.

Here is the final Piece, which for now remains untitled
So for now, Happy Valentines Day to My wife, from her "Hopeless Romantic" of a husband.