Monday, April 9, 2012

Pure Heart

A good freind of mine created this video of our "Living Walls Party." Thanks Nelson, and enjoy the video everyone.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This was not the piece I had originally intended on creating, however, inspiration intervened, and this project began. While listening to "Changes" I found myself inspired to create portrait of Tupac that would in some way reflect just that; Change. The Changes" he endured over time are clear when you look into his eyes; rebellion, passion, anger, and despair are all evident, and ever-present in his face. There is so much beauty in struggle, and that is what I aimed to capture in creating this piece. Enjoy, and thanks for the continual support.

Here it is halfway through.  The underdrawing was completed earlier.

Here is the final version of the Drawing. As I was finishing up, I found that the richness of the Molotow 227 made for some awesome dimension in the blacks/shadows. It might be hard to see via the computer, but there is some beautiful gradation happening in the black shadows with the two different markers. I love this piece; it's a real contender for my favorite thus far this year.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chillin' at "The Fridge"

Are looking for a great place to see emerging artists, meet creative people, and test the limits of your own creativity? If So head over to The Fridge, located on Capital Hill at 516 1/2 8th St., SE DC (Across from Matchbox) Yes... it is in the alley :)

The Fridge is a family, and neighborhood freindly creative space for all. It's a breath of fresh air for creative minded people, where the arts are embraced, and encouraged to continue to live and breathe. 

Today I had a chance to go and visit The Fridge, and to be a part of the stencil making class, taught by SCOTCH, who just happened to the the artist exhibiting/opening for their current show.  Scotch taught, shared, and welcomed all questions and compliments alike.  This experience at The Fridge is commonplace as evidenced by the many regulars that attended and supported this event.  I hope to become a regular at "The Fridge," and I look forward to seeing you there as well.  Check out the link for a Prezi of this awesome event.

Living Walls Party

On March 31st, I had my very 1st Living Walls event; it was a huge success, and a lot of fun.  The walls in our garage have been transformed by our admittedly amateur graffiti, but man was it a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures from the event, and a link to the video shot by Mr. Dennis Mangual.  thanks Everybody!

"E" Rocked the wall wit this peace... "Love"
Peace Out People & enjoy The Video!!!/photo.php?v=10151493390415287